
Go Unlimited

Are you ready to go Unlimited?
Get unlimited Pilates and Yoga Classes for €57 per month
Two Classes per week equal to €7.13 per class
Any Class, Any Time.


 Pilates Price Options

   No. of Classes                              Price                Price Breakdown

  1 Class - Any Level (Expires 1 week)            €15

  5 Classes - Any Level (Expires 8 weeks)               €65          €13 per class

        10 Classes - Any Level (Expires 15 weeks)           €115        €11.50 per class

  20 Classes - Any Level (Expires 6 months)           €200        €10.00 per class

  Unlimited Classes - (Monthly Subscription)             €57 per month      €4.75 per class (based on 3 classes per                                         week)

  1 Online Classes - Mixed Level                 €8

  10 Online Classes - Mixed Level               €60 






Please note we require 3 hours notice for cancellation of all booked classes

All classes/ courses must be booked and paid for in advance. If assistance is need just call us at the Studio on 0866074718

Terms and conditions apply.

 To keep our prices competitive we must apply our terms & conditions strictly

Company registered Office Address: Northeast Pilates, Drogheda, Co Louth, Ireland. Email: